Thank you for voting Tique Hamilton Best Youth Minister! Sunday Sunday Morning Classes @ 9:15 am Worship @ 10:30 am Adult Bible Study @ 6:00 pm Youth & Children's Ministry@ 6:00 pm elf this e alriuet ww hich wa the Lrd by the prro .done, th Wednesday bout way That aroor HeBold, a wit ila arnd shall bring forth a son virgin shall be 213 E. 3rd St Sweetwater, TX 79556 ht en Fer. 83. 10. name E an-0-el, which beinE interpret is, God with us. 24 Then from sleep Lord had unto him they shall call his Acte 5. 31 Ian. 7. 1 4. seph being raised the angel of the en him, and took fe: rnot till she had firstborn son ame JE SUS Or, his n me shall be ealled. Ten. 9. 6. ohn 1: 14 om. 1.3. 4- irm. 3. 16. 931 25 And knew brought forth and he called hi @fbcsweetwater First Baptist Church Sweetwater CHAPTER 2. 4 men en irearer hrie Zim, ard ofer Preeent FBCSweetwater 13 he dren ae Bethlehes out of e Nowwhen Je @fbcsweetwater in Reth 16-hen An the days of H Thank you for voting Tique Hamilton Best Youth Minister! Sunday Sunday Morning Classes @ 9:15 am Worship @ 10:30 am Adult Bible Study @ 6:00 pm Youth & Children's Ministry@ 6:00 pm elf this e alriuet ww hich wa the Lrd by the prro .done, th Wednesday bout way That aroor HeBold, a wit ila arnd shall bring forth a son virgin shall be 213 E. 3rd St Sweetwater, TX 79556 ht en Fer. 83. 10. name E an-0-el, which beinE interpret is, God with us. 24 Then from sleep Lord had unto him they shall call his Acte 5. 31 Ian. 7. 1 4. seph being raised the angel of the en him, and took fe: rnot till she had firstborn son ame JE SUS Or, his n me shall be ealled. Ten. 9. 6. ohn 1: 14 om. 1.3. 4- irm. 3. 16. 931 25 And knew brought forth and he called hi @fbcsweetwater First Baptist Church Sweetwater CHAPTER 2. 4 men en irearer hrie Zim, ard ofer Preeent FBCSweetwater 13 he dren ae Bethlehes out of e Nowwhen Je @fbcsweetwater in Reth 16-hen An the days of H